The Alignment Technique Website
The Alignment Technique (T.A.T.) is a way to more awareness for everyone. In the modern world, the flow of information and technological opportunities that we have deal with on a daily basis is constantly increasing. This makes it difficult to maintain the connection with yourself. Resulting in burnouts, depression and other forms of mental problems. The Alignment technique helps you to restore the connection with yourself in order to get the most out of your own potential and that is when the real fun begins…
Design choices
We always enjoyed collaborating with the T.A.T. team. We have built the website according to technical marketing guidelines. Because of that, it’s very clear what The Alignment Technique does and what it can do for you. We found out that The Alignment Technique consists of a lot of different courses and therefore we’ve divided them into courses for ‘Starters’ and courses for experienced ‘Movers’. In this way it’s clear to visitors which courses apply to them and which don’t. We also make landing pages for The Alignment Technique and maintain the marketing, but more about that later.

Our analytics system
We got the opportunity to use our own analytics system for the first time with this website. Completely free of cookies and yet we can easily track how many visitors there are on the website. With Feelgood Technology© we are always looking for the best way to protect the user. For this reason, we store as little user data as possible. We are convinced this is the new way.